Feedreader Jasmine Test

Test-driven development

Brief Description

As part of my Udacity Front-end Nanodegree Program, I was given a web-based application that reads RSS feeds from various sources. I am required to use Jasmine to write a number of unit tests to test the underlying logic of the application as well as the event handling and DOM manipulation.

Technology Used

  • Jasmine testing framework
  • JavaScript
item.left_alt_tag ||
Screenshot of feedreader

The Process Taken

I wrote the following 7 test specs:

  • Test to ensure that the RSS source array variable is defined and not empty
  • Loop through each feed object and test to ensure that each feed object has a URL defined and is not empty
  • Loop through each feed and test to ensure that each feed object has a name defined and not empty
  • Ensure the menu element is hidden by default
  • Ensure that menu is visible when the menu icon is selected
  • Test for at least a single feed showing when the loadFeed function's AJAX call returns the feed data
  • Test to ensure the feed display changes content when a different feed source has been selected